As a soldier in Hashem’s Army, Tzivos Hashem, we are charged with a mission to light up the world, one night at a time—one mitzvah at a time.
Eight nights of Chanukah means eight nights of lighting Menorah, playing dreidel, and spreading light. It’s our Mitzvot that will transform darkness into light!
How it works:

Get ready for the most spectacular and grand Chanukah Live event!
This coming up Chanukah, Ckids will be hosting THE BIGGEST CHANUKAH HAKHEL LIVE for thousands of Jewish children! In the spirit of Pirsumei Nisa, the livestream will take place at famous landmarks, and the event will be broadcasted on popular news sources. It will take place on Sunday, December 18 @ 12:00 pm EST- before the start of Chanukah USA time.
Get into the true Chanukah spirit as we light the Menorah and sing and dance to joyful Chanukah tunes with children from around the world. An illusionist will perform a spectacular hands-on Chanukah magic show, and awesome prizes will be raffled out throughout the half-hour event.
But most importantly, the KIDS will see how they are part of a broader Jewish community, with thousands of kids just like them.
This is sure to be a momentous and unforgettable Chanukah for all!
CKids - The Chabad Children's Network

Program will begin with an introduction followed by Grand Menorah lightings and kid friendly Chanukah messages by prominent Rabbi's from around the world, including Israel, Dubai, Paris and Argentina. We will be taken to the Kotel where we will say a short prayer for the safety of Israel, light the Menorah and sing to beautiful Chanukah medleys. A professional illusionist will then teach the children awesome hands-on Chanukah magic. We will end off by dancing to upbeat Chanukah music and a heartfelt prayer for Moshiach now!
This children's Chanukah-themed rally is intended to drive home-both the uplifting message of Chanukah: The triumph of light over darkness. The event hopes to empower all participants to become agents of positive change for themselves, their families and their communities in all areas of Yiddishkeit.
Participating Locations
Chabad of the Beaches
Chabad of the West Side
Chabad at Short Hills
Chabad of S. Clemente
Chabad Emeryville
Chabad of Loudoun County
Merkos Suite 302.1
Chabad Lubavitch of Minneapolis
Chabad Lubavitch of the Venetian
Chabad of Plano & Collin County
Chabad Lubavitch of Quad Cities
Chabad of Greater Dayton
Chabad Mercer Island
Chabad Aruba
The Shul of Bal Harbor
Turk Family Chabad Jewish Discovery Centre
Chabad of Great Neck
Chabad of the Beach Cities
Chabad of Owings Mills
North Suburban Lubavitch Chabad - Central Avenue Synagogue
Chabad of Anne Arundel CountyChabad of Forest Hills NorthChabad of YorktownChabad Chayil - Highland LakesChabad-Lubavitch of North Orlando
Chabad of Sheepshead Bay
Chabad Of Palm Coast
Chabad Jewish Center - South Metro Denver
Chabad of Briarwood
Chabad of South Broward
Chabad of Forest Hills North
Chabad of the West Valley
Chabad Lubavitch of Riverdale
Chabad of Red Rock
Chabad of Anne Arundel County
Chabad of The Woodlands
Beth Chabad Israeli Community
Chabad New Canaan Jewish Center
Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois
Chabad Lubavitch of Edmonton
Chabad of Cypress and Northwest HoustonChabad Jewish Center of NWBCChabad Lubavitch of Hunt ValleyChabad of BradentonChabad of Durham RegionChabad of South BayChabad of Panama City BeachChabad of Rancho Mirage - The Torah Oasis
Chabad of South OrlandoChabad of Charlotte CountyChabad Jewish Center of Mission Viejo
Chabad Jewish Center of the Florida Keys
Chabad of Putnam
Chabad Lubavitch of Alberta
North County Chabad Center
Chabad of West Hempstead
Chabad of Akron & Canton
Chabad of Bethesda
Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center
The Shul Bayside
Chabad House of Western Michigan
Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center
Chabad Torah Center of West Bloomfield
Chabad of North Hollywood
CKids International
Chabad of Pacific Palisades
Chabad of Clifton Park
Chabad of Lake Success & University Gardens
Chabad Lubavitch of Minneapolis
Harford Chabad
Congregation Judea
Beis Chabad
Chabad Pensacola
Jewish Russian Community Center
Chabad Jewish Center of Petaluma
Free Hebrew for Juniors
Chabad Lubavitch of Hamptons
Chabad of Scottsdale
Chabad Center
Chabad Lubavitch of Rockland
Chabad of NW Metro Denver
Chabad of Southlake
Chabad of Commerce
Chabad Jewish Community Center of Folsom
Chabad Center for Jewish Life & Learning- San Antonio
Lubavitch of the East End
The Shul of Bellaire
Chabad of Greater Orlando
Evanston Chabad Community Programming
Chabad of North Holywood