As a soldier in Hashem’s Army, Tzivos Hashem, we are charged with a mission to light up the world, one night at a time—one mitzvah at a time.
Eight nights of Chanukah means eight nights of lighting Menorah, playing dreidel, and spreading light. It’s our Mitzvot that will transform darkness into light!
How it works:
6:00 PM- 9:00 PM
Early Check-In & Dinner
Check-in: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
Dinner: International Ballroom Central & West
8:30 AM
Registration & Breakfast
Registration: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
Breakfast: International Ballroom Central & West
9:30 AM
Camp Begins, Kiddie camp Begins
9:30 AM
Welcome Program
Rabbi Yossi Deren
Chabad Representative of Stamford CT
Rabbi Zalman Loewenthal
Director of CKids International
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
10:00 AM
Departure to the Ohel
11:00 AM
Introductory Program to the Ohel
Featuring: Rabbi Simon Jacobson
“What are we doing at a cemetery?”
Rabbi Jacobson stands among the world's foremost scholars and sought-after speakers, captivating audiences from diverse backgrounds with the universal teachings of Torah as a blueprint for life. His insights have been featured on over 300 radio and TV shows, including CNN with Larry King, Newsmax, PragerU with Dennis Prager, the Charlie Rose Show, and the CBS News Show The Best of Us. As the author of the New York Times bestseller, "Towards a Meaningful Life," Rabbi Jacobson continues to inspire countless individuals with his profound wisdom and timeless teachings.
Parent Address
My Personal connection with The Lubavitcher Rebbe
Cory Leshner
Reading, PA
Location: Ohel
11:40 AM
Entering into the Ohel
12:15 PM
Location: Tent at the Ohel
12:45 PM
Departure to Trip of Your Choice
(follow the bus numbers on your ID tag)
RPM Racing, Bowling, Arcades, & Axe Throwing
3:30 PM
Departure to Hotel
3:45 PM
Room Key pick up, Hors d'oeuvre, Mincha
Room check in- Hall of Fame (Lobby)
Hors d'oeuvre- Hall of Fame (Lobby) Cafe
Mincha- International Ballroom Central- 4:00 PM Sharp
4:15 PM
Grand CKids Shabbaton Picture
Location: International Ballroom East
4:30 PM
Get ready for Shabbat (pickup luggage)
Dress in your finest attire, prepare to feast, and be inspired.
4:30 PM
Camp Pickup
5:30 PM
Doors open for Grand CKids Pre-Shabbat Kumzitz
5:45 PM
Camp Resumes
5:45 PM
Grand CKids Pre-Shabbat Kumzitz
All parents, children and staff
Location: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
Experience the sanctity of Shabbat by setting aside your phone and other devices and immersing yourself fully in the spirit of the day.
6:45 PM
Shabbat Candle lighting
All women and girls welcome in Shabbat by lighting candles
Shabbat Begins at 7:06 PM
Location: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
6:45 PM
Kiddie Camp Resumes
Friday Night
7:00 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
An interactive, vibrant, and soulful Kabbalat Shabbat experience
Led by Rabbi Avremi Schapiro
Location: International Ballroom East
7:55 PM
Shabbat Meal
A feast of nourishment for body and soul.
Address by: Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Director of Merkos 302 & Executive Director of CKids International
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
10:30 PM
Kiddie Camp & Camp Pickup
(please ensure that your child is in your hotel room after 10:30 PM)
10:45 PM
A Farbrengen is where we gather for heartfelt discussions, shared insights, and uplifting songs, where everyone's welcome to join in, fostering deep connections and joyful celebration within a unified spirit.
Women’s Farbrengen with Mrs. Sara Bluming
Location: International Ballroom East
Men’s Farbrengen with Rabbi Avremi Schapiro
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
Shabbat Day
8:00 AM
Location: Cafe
9:00 AM
Shabbat Mevorchim Tehillim
This Shabbat, known as Shabbat Mevorchim, precedes the Hebrew new month and is dedicated to blessing the upcoming month. It's a special time when individuals gather to recite Tehillim (Psalms), fostering spiritual connection and seeking blessings for the month ahead.
Led by: Rabbi Levi Neparstek
Location: State Ballroom South
9:30 AM
Kiddie Camp & Camp Resume
9:30 AM
Why does G-d need my prayers?
Led by: Rabbi Levi Neparstek
A taste of Yeshiva
Location: State Ballroom South
10:15 AM
Men & Women
The morning prayer service on Shabbat includes the reading of the Torah portion for the week, known as K'riat HaTorah. Additionally, there's the recitation of Birkat Hachodesh, a special blessing for the new Hebrew month, which is said on the Shabbat preceding its start.
Location: International Ballroom East
10:15 AM
Additional Women’s Track
Prayer. Your Coffee Date with G-d
An interactive prayer experience for women
Led by Mrs. Sara Bluming
Location: Hartford South
12:30 PM
Shabbat Meal
A feast of nourishment for body and soul.
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
2:00 PM
Interlude & Mincha
Mincha Location: International Ballroom East
2:30 PM
Torah Talks
Extraordinary stories. Ordinary people. Short Torah talks from parents, just like you.
Rachel Douglas
Clifton Park, NY
Kami Gamzeh
Potomac, Maryland
Chony Milecki
Brooklyn, NY
Arthur Kleynerman
Sheepshead Bay, NY
3:25 PM
Roundtable Discussions
Engage in intimate, authentic conversations with a diverse selection of topics and speakers.
Mrs. Mushka Kazen
Baton Rouge, LA
Tales of a girl growing up in Mardi
Gras city. Raising kids with Jewish
pride in a small community.
Mrs. Gitel Neparstek
Long beach, NY
Shall we have another? The Jewish
outlook on family planning.
Rabbi Moshe Kramer
Boca Raton, FL
Jewish Parenting Principles. That
will help you go from bearish to
bullish on your most important
long-term investment; your child.
Mrs. Chana Devorah Solomon
Short Hills, NJ
Empowering our children
on how to respond and lead
as an October 8th Jew.
Mrs. Fruma Resnick
Pleasanton, CA
Faith & Trust. If it's not
Good its not the end.
Mrs. Sara Bluming
Potomac, MD
Going Kabbalistic.
5 Tanya Truths that will change your life.
Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon
Brooklyn, NY
A 180 Degree approach on
Anti-Semitism. Understanding
the Roots of Hatred and
Charting a Path to Change.
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
4:20 PM
Kiddie Camp Pickup
4:20 PM
Mrs. Sara Bluming
Potomac, MD
From Pain to Purpose;
A journey into the heart and soul
of an IDF soldier’s mother.
Location: International Ballroom East
5:20 PM
Shalosh Seudos
Shalosh Seudos, also known as the "Third Meal," is held on Shabbat after the afternoon prayer service.
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
6:20 PM
Kiddie Camp Resumes
6:20 PM
Rapid Fire
Ask Me Anything. A rapid fire on education, children and anything else.
Featuring :
Mrs. Gillie Shanowitz
New York, NY
Mrs. Zeesy Silberberg
West Bloomfield, Michigan
Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon
Brooklyn, NY
Moderator: Rabbi Avremi Schapiro
Milwaukee, WI
Location: International Ballroom East
7:15 PM
Chavrusah Learning
What is that? Chavrusah learning is a traditional Jewish learning method, where individuals study texts in pairs or small groups, fostering discussion, deep understanding, and the exchange of ideas. It's commonly practiced in yeshivas, synagogues, and homes, offering an enriching educational experience. Delve into an authentic learning experience!
Discover the Torah's perspective on parenting, exploring its insights into obligations, responsibilities, and guiding principles from the raw text.
Taste of Yeshiva
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
7:45 PM
Kiddie Camp Pickup
7:45 PM
Melodic Journey
Embark on a soul-stirring journey through the power of song. Experience the uplifting melodies of Chassidic tunes as they elevate us higher.
Taste of Yeshiva
Women’s Location: International Ballroom East
Men’s Location: International Ballroom West
8:20 PM
Grand Havdalah and Concert
Come together, Parents, children and staff, as we bid farewell to Shabbat with the beautiful Havdalah ceremony. Get ready for an electrifying concert by the talented Berel Feiden, featuring upbeat melodies and lively performances guaranteed to leave you dancing into the new week!"
Location: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
8:50 PM- 9:40 PM
Refresh for a night of entertainment, powerful inspiration and loads of fun
9:45 PM
Kiddie Camp Resumes
9:45 PM
Melava Malka Program
Post-Shabbat meal, as we bid farewell to the day of rest with warmth and joy. Indulge in a sumptuous meal, enjoy drinks from our open bar, and join in a heartfelt mitzvah auction in merit of an IDF soldier, with awesome prizes.
Joined by:
Mrs. Sara Bluming,
Potomac, MD
Rabbi Mendel Raskin,
JewQ Director
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
10:30 PM
Kiddie Camp Pickup
Stand up Comedy
Prepare for an evening of laughter with Mikey Greenblat! Join us as Mikey takes the stage, bringing his unique blend of humor and wit.
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
The night is young, and the fun has just begun! Explore all the incredible stations we have in store for you, including a 360 Photo Booth for unforgettable snapshots, step into another reality with our VR games, indulge in mouthwatering waffles & ice cream, and so much more!
Location: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
Camp Pickup
9:00 AM- 9:45 AM
Location: International Ballroom Central & West
9:00 AM
Kiddie Camp & Camp begin
9:15 AM
Morning prayer services
Location: International Ballroom East
10:00 AM
Finding happiness while raising children
Rabbi Manis Friedman
YouTube's most famous rabbi and world-renowned international speaker, Rabbi Manis Friedman. Dean of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies, an esteemed author of several books, Rabbi, author, social philosopher, and public speaker.
Location: International Ballroom East
10:45 AM
Departure to JewQ - The International Torah Championship
Pickup 4-7 Year olds
12:00 PM
Grand JewQ International Torah Championship
The moment you've been waiting for! Witness the brilliance of your JewQ champion as they take the stage and shine like never before!
Pick up your child at the end of the show
Busses back to Hotel
From 2:15 PM
Location: International Ballroom
Location: Hall of Fame (Lobby)
3:00 PM
Busses back to Crown Heights
See you next year!
CKids shabbaton parent retreat